Keyence VHX-5000
Real-time depth composition (z-axis)
Multi-angle observation
Light-shift function
3D display function
Transmission and reflection modes
Lenses available: x20-x200 and x250-x2500
Carl Zeiss Standard Binocular Microscope with Cross Polarizer, Mettler Toledo Hot Stage FP82 and AxioCam Zeiss camera
Up to x40 magnification
Ramp (up to 20 C min-1) or isothermal heating mode
Ability to capture images at a rate of 1 image sec-1
Follow morphological changes as samples is heated e.g. melting, recrystallization etc.
SMZ-U Stereoscopic Zoom Microscope
Magnification up to x10
LEO 1530Vwith Zyvex Nanomanipulator System/Cryo-system
Three detectors available: secondary electron, multiple secondary electron and backscattered electron detector
INCA energy system for semi-quantitative elemental analysis
Cryo system for imaging hydrated samples
Bruker Dimension ICON AFM
Multiple AFM modes: Contact, Tapping, Non-contact and PeakForce Mode
Ability to image samples in both air and liquids
For more information please contact: ​​
Nikolaos Ioannidis